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seminar: Monitoring the decentralised delivery of WASH services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa

Jan 29, 2014
Event date

This is a bilingual seminar on Monitoring the decentralised delivery of WASH services in rural areas and small towns in West Africa in Ouagagoudou, Burkina Faso organised by IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and pS-Eau. 

Date: 07 - 09 April 2014 

Designed in priority for stakeholders working in collaboration with local governments, this seminar will be an opportunity to share experiences in the field of monitoring WASH services at local level in West Africa. 

The seminar will be structured around four themes: 

-- Monitoring and evaluation to support local governments’ water and sanitation strategic planning 
-- Monitoring and evaluation to improve water, sanitation and hygiene services 
-- Monitoring and evaluation to manage water and sanitation services 
-- Monitoring and evaluation to regulate water and sanitation services 

but related topics are also of interest to the organisers. 

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 17 February 2014 

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