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Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas

Jan 19, 2015
Event date


Inception meeting


Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas

(With the support from Flanders Trust Fund for Science)


Paris, 9-10 February 2015

Bonvin Building – Room/Salle XIV


Organized by UNESCO-IHP

The inception meeting is organized with potential partners to discuss and design activities within the framework of the project “Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and Americas”. The framework and objectives of the project will be presented and partnership mechanisms and ideas for potential joint projects will be discussed and developed. The inception meeting will contribute to UNESCO’s IHP-VIII (2014-2021) Phase entitled “Water Security: responses to local, regional and global challenges”.


The inception workshop will gather hydrologists, water resources experts, policymakers, IHP network, UN institutions and other stakeholders. The 2-days meeting will help further develop mechanisms and ideas for identifying potential collaboration and action plan with the participating experts and institutions.


The inception meeting aims at launching a discussion on a global knowledge forum on water security by building on already established networks, know-how and experiences. The specific objectives consist in developing partnership mechanism and projects which will contribute to the assessment of vulnerability and to map existing implementation of adaptation strategies in vulnerable regions. Furthermore, the goal is raising awareness on potential impacts of climate change on water resources by benefiting from experience of experts and different case studies on effective adaptation strategies.