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Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)

Jul 25, 2023
The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) is an integrated database of climate summaries from land surface stations across the globe that have been subjected to a common suite of quality assurance reviews. The data are obtained from more than 20 sources. Some data are more than ...


Jul 24, 2023
High-resolution raster hydrography maps are a fundamental data source for many geoscience applications. Here we introduce MERIT Hydro, a new global flow direction map at 3 arc-second resolution (~90 m at the equator) derived from the latest elevation data (MERIT DEM) and water body dat ...

HydroSHEDS Drainage Basin from DTM at 30s

Jul 24, 2023
DRAINAGE BASIN (watershed boundariers  AT 30s RESOLUTION HydroSHEDS is derived primarily from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 3 arc-second resolution. SRTM data were used in different versions and processing stages, including SRTM-3 unfinished data ...

HydroSHEDS Drainage Basin from DTM at 15s

Jul 24, 2023
DRAINAGE BASIN (watershed boundariers  AT 15s RESOLUTION HydroSHEDS is derived primarily from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 3 arc-second resolution. SRTM data were used in different versions and processing stages, including SRTM-3 unfinished data ...

HydroSHEDS River Network from DTM at 30s

Jul 24, 2023
RIVER NETWORK AT 30s RESOLUTION HydroSHEDS is derived primarily from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 3 arc-second resolution. SRTM data were used in different versions and processing stages, including SRTM-3 unfinished data; DTED-1 finished data; and CG ...

HydroSHEDS River Network from DTM at 15s

Jul 24, 2023
RIVER NETWORK AT 15s RESOLUTION  HydroSHEDS is derived primarily from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 3 arc-second resolution. SRTM data were used in different versions and processing stages, including SRTM-3 unfinished data; DTED-1 finished data; ...

ASTGTM Elevation Model (ASTER)

Jul 24, 2023
Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTGTM) was developed jointly by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). ASTER is capable of collecting in-track stereo using nadir- and aft-looking near infrared cameras. ...

Accessibility map : travel time to major cities

Jul 24, 2023
A new map of Travel Time to Major Cities - developed by the European Commission and the World Bank - captures this connectivity and the concentration of economic activity and also highlights that there is little wilderness left. The map shows how accessible some parts of the world have ...

P.vivax Parasite Rate Tabular Data

Jul 24, 2023
The mapped variable is the age-standardised P. vivax Parasite Rate (PvPR0-99) which describes the estimated proportion of  the general population that are infected with P. vivax at any one time, averaged over the 12 months of 2010. The map also displays the limits of unstable P. v ...

Lithological Map of the World

Jul 24, 2023
Lithology describes the geochemical, mineralogical, and physical properties of rocks. It plays a key role in many processes at the Earth surface, especially the fluxes of matter to soils, ecosystems, rivers, and oceans. The Lithological map of the World is based on the Global Lithologi ...

Global FreshWater Biodiversity Altlas

Jul 24, 2023
The Global Freshwater Biodiversity Atlas is a collection of published and open access freshwater biodiversity maps in addition to a gateway for geographical information and spatial data at different scales. It offers dynamic online maps accompanied by short articles with background inf ...

Global Wetland (CIFOR) Dataset

Jul 24, 2023
Wetlands play a fundamental role in climate change mitigation, and provide essential ecosystem services. Yet there is still a lot we don’t know about their precise distribution, extent and inter-annual variability around the world, particularly in the tropics.

Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups /EPR Core Dateset

Jul 24, 2023
The Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) Core Dataset 2014 is based on the original dataset EPR v.1.1 and identifies all politically relevant ethnic groups and their access to state power in every country of the world from 1946 to 2013. It includes annual data on over 800 groups and codes the ...

WorldPop Project Data

Jul 24, 2023
High spatial resolution, contemporary data on human population distributions are a prerequisite for the accurate measurement of the impacts of population growth, for monitoring changes and for planning interventions. The WorldPop project aims to meet these needs through the provision o ...

GHS population grid

Jul 24, 2023
GHS population grid, derived from GPW4, for 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2015. Values are expressed as decimals (Float). The data is published at medium and low resolution (250m and 1km respectively) in World Mollweide (EPSG:54009). The compressed ZIP file contain TIF files and short documenta ...

Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4)

Jul 24, 2023
Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4) Population Density consists of estimates of human population density based on counts consistent with national censuses and population registers, for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. A proportional allocation gridding algorit ...

FAO Livestock Map (Gridded Livestock of the World )

Jul 24, 2023
In a multi-partner collaboration centered on the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB-LUBIES), global maps of livestock distributions and production systems are be ...

Global Map of Irrigated Areas v5.0 (GMIA)

Jul 24, 2023
Global Map of Irrigated Areas v5.0 : The map shows the amount of area equipped for irrigation around the year 2005 in percentage of the total area on a raster with a resolution of 5 minutes. Additional map layers show the percentage of the area equipped for irrigation that was actually ...

Historical Irrigation Dataset (HID)

Jul 24, 2023
formation on the historical evolution of irrigated lands is very limited but is needed for many applications, e.g. to study changes in hydrology and water resources, crop productivity, or surface energy balances. We developed the new dataset HID (Historical Irrigation Dataset) depictin ...

FAO Livestock System

Jul 24, 2023
Livestock are domesticated terrestrial animals that are raised to provide a diverse array of goods and services such as traction, meat, milk, eggs, hides, fibres and feathers. The term livestock systems embraces all aspects of the supply and use of livestock commodities, including the ...