RIVER NETWORK AT 15s RESOLUTION HydroSHEDS is derived primarily from elevation data of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) at 3 arc-second resolution. SRTM data were used in different versions and processing stages, including SRTM-3 unfinished data; DTED-1 finished data; and CGIAR void-filled SRTMv2 data. A variety of auxiliary datasets were used for reference and quality control, including the SRTM Water Body Data (SWBD); the river network of the Digital Chart of the World (also known as VMAP0); the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD); and several other global and regional digital river maps.
Lehner, B., Grill G. (2013): Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world’s large river systems. Hydrological Processes, 27(15): 2171–2186. Data is available at www.hydrosheds.org.
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