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Drought-Stricken Cape Town Braces For Water To Run Out In April

Cape Town officials are tightening water restrictions amid claims the city could run out of water by April 21. After three years of intensive drought, officials say residents are bracing for "Day Zero," the day water could stop flowing.
South Africa's second-largest city would be the first major city in the developed world to run out of water, if residents do not heed new stricter water measures. The region is experiencing its worst drought in a century, which experts say has been exacerbated by climate change and in Cape Town, rapid population growth.

Secretary-General’s remarks at the One Planet Summit

REMARKS AT ONE PLANET SUMMIT Paris, 12 December 2017
[as delivered]
President Macron, Excellencies, World Bank President Jim Kim, Ladies and gentlemen,
We are not yet winning the war on climate change — the defining challenge of our times.
The Paris Agreement lays the basis for ambitious action.
But we know that current commitments will not get us there.
Every day, in every region, the front pages are dominated by weather-related disasters – storms, floods, droughts, fires.

Webinario sin costes:Gestión del riesgo climático en cuencas hidrográficas: experiencias en Mesoamérica

Webinario conjunto
WATERCLIMA-LAC, Zonas costeras y IHE-Delft UNESCO

Gestión del riesgo climático en cuencas hidrográficas: experiencias en Mesoamérica

Viernes 20 de octubre, Campus Virtual de Cap-Net PNUD
9 am hora de Costa Rica (10 hs. Lima y México / 12 hs. Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile)


Curso Virtual: Evaluación en términos energéticos de un sistema de trasvase por medio de SIG en el marco de la GIRH

Estimad@s colegas,
Los invitamos a compartir el siguiente mensaje con sus contactos, el cierre de inscripción es el 22 de septiembre. 

Nuevo Curso Virtual: Evaluación en términos energéticos de un sistema de trasvase por medio de SIG en el marco de la GIRH

Objetivo: Adquirir el conocimiento básico en economía ecológica, emergy accounting y sistemas de información geográfica con un enfoque de gestión integrada de recursos hídricos orientada al trasvase de aguas.

CONTRIBUCIONES: El Impacto del Retroceso de Glaciares en los Andes en los Recursos Hídricos'



Por favor encontrar adjunto un llamado para el envío de contribuciones para la reunión de síntesis del proyecto 'El Impacto del Retroceso de Glaciares en los Andes en los Recursos Hídricos'. Una copia del llamado se puede encontrar también aqui.

FECHA LIMITE 11 Ago : Curso Virtual: Derecho Internacional de Aguas en América Latina-2017

Nuevo Curso Virtual: Derecho Internacional de Aguas en América Latina – Edición 2017

Objetivo: Fomentar la cooperación internacional y facilitar la buena gobernabilidad del agua mediante el fortalecimiento de capacidades de las entidades y personas que están en condiciones de influir y asesorar a los tomadores de decisiones sobre los marcos jurídicos para la gestión internacional de los recursos hídricos.

Aquaknow & EIP

Aquaknow website has been included in the EIP hub. The European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) aim to speed up innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges, enhance Europe's competitiveness and contribute to job creation and economic growth. EIPs help to pool expertise and resources by bringing together public and private actors at EU, national and regional level, combining supply- and demand-side measures.

Call for Expression of Interest for the AU/NEPAD Central and Eastern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (CEANWATCE).

Launched by NEPAD on 1st Februray, the Call for Expression of Interest for Universities and Research Institutions in Water Sciences to constitute and become members of the AU/NEPAD Central and Eastern African Network of Water Centres of Excellence (AU/NEPAD CEANWATCE), is expected to receive Application until next 28th February 2017.

Rapport annuel 2015 / Annual report 2015- GWP-AO

Bonjour à tous,

Le rapport d’activités 2015 du GWP-AO est disponible. Le document est joint. Vous pouvez aussi le télécharger ici :



Dear all,

The 2015 progress report for GWP WA is available. Find the document attached or it can be downloaded here in English :

AVAILABLE:Africa's Blue Economy: A policy handbook

Africa’s “Blue word” is made of vast lakes and rivers and an extensive ocean resource base. The Blue Economy can play a major role in Africa’s structural transformation, sustainable economic progress, and social development. The largest sectors of the current African aquatic and ocean based economy are fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, transport, ports, coastal mining, and energy.

NEX Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections

The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model (GCM) runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) and across two of the four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The CMIP5 GCM runs were developed in support of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5).