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Draft Minutes: 4th regional Meeting RALCEA- Panama- 17-20 Nov2014

SUMMARY: Main Results

The 4th regional meeting was mainly dedicated to share and analyse the results, their impacts on water resources management and collect lessons learnt of the activities implemented during 2010-2014 in the 3 thematic working groups: Stakeholder Mapping and Capacity building, Regional Water Balance and Water Quality & Sanitation. This was also the opportunity to continue the dialogue between policy and scientific/technical sides.

CONSULTA: Borrador - Centro colaborador


Estimados todos,

En la última reunión en Chile, se aceptó y votó lo que se denomina el concepto de “Centro Colaborador” de RALCEA. Este prevé la participación puntual de otros centros de investigación de LA que no forman parte de RALCEA en la implementación de las actividades de la red. La principal ventaja sería la de tener una mayor flexibilidad en la implementación de actividades y  estimular la colaboración aumentando el número de instituciones latino-americanas beneficiarias.

Minutes Meeting 27.08.2012


NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat Meeting



Dominique Mannel (DM) –

Nico Elema (NE) –

Nora Hanke (NH) – norahanke@


1. Office and General

·         DM has started the process of getting a phone into room 2007

·         Room 2007 and 2006 will be cleaned and waxed on Wed, 29.08.

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