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NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat Meeting
Dominique Mannel (DM) –
Nico Elema (NE) –
Nora Hanke (NH) – norahanke@
1. Office and General
· DM has started the process of getting a phone into room 2007
· Room 2007 and 2006 will be cleaned and waxed on Wed, 29.08.
o NH was convinced not to come to the office that day but to connect her laptop to the printer
· DM to buy stationary and files for the workshop’s information pack (see 2.)
· DM to ask Mercia to remove her files, etc. from the office on until Wednesday so it can be cleaned properly
· Notes of the Monday meetings will be put into a closed group on Aquaknow
o NE to open a new group: NEPAD SANWATCE Secretariat
o NH to register
· DM will be collecting data in the field from the 5th-8th Sept.
2. Regional Consultative Workshop in Johannesburg
· DM to follow up on City Lodge reservations with Juhannita
· DM and NE take projector with them
· DM to confirm technical details about Prof. Cloete’s skype involvement with Juhannita from City Lodge
· NE to pack the NEPAD SANWATCE banner
· Information Packs (25) to contain:
o Business Plan as of 28.08.
o JLP 1.1 and JLP 1.2 reports
o Resolutions
o Constitution
o NEPAD flyers
o Tbc: Jacqui SADC regulations
o DM to confirm if the conference venue offers pen and paper
· NE to go over NH’s PowerPoint presentation and provide feedback
3. Seminar in Italy, Oct.2012
· NH to assist Bruno with visa requirements and email him detailed, simply instructions
· NH to send ISPRA the registration form as Stellenbosch representative
4. Marketing and Technical
· NE: website is up and running and new articles are published as we speak
· NH and DM to sign up on twitter to spread the NEPAD word
· CC of Prof. Cloete and Ceasar (?)should be limited to large topics, not knitty-gritty details
5. E-Conference, Nov. 2012
· NE has contacted Andrea from the JRC
· Make use of twitter, facebook, etc. to market the conference