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Dear colleaguess 

[Also CC: Prof Cloete for info]
Nico Elema (NE) -
Dominique Mannel (DM) -
Nora Hanke (NH) -
1. Office and General
  • Dominique and Hanke to move into office 2007
  • DM to find out about telephone line
  • DM to look at stationary
  • Regular office meetings will take place on Mondays at 10:00-10:30. If one us us are not available, then the meeting still takes place. The objective of the meeting is to discuss what need to happen in the coming week
  • In furture, NE; DM and NE will be copied into emails, in order to keep everyone up to date (on a running basis) of things
2. EC JRC Project
  • NH is going to assist Stellenbosch University in tasks, and specifically KM2.5 - E-Conference. 
  • NH gave a brief feedback on the task - information from aquaknow on e-conferencing; way forward ito determining the e-conference topic etc
  • NE suggested that he contact the EC JRC (Andrea Leone) and introduce NH to them; from where NH can communicate with them regarding the technicalities of hosting the e-conference on Aquaknow as per the tender requirement
  • NE will also follow-up with Murray Biedler on his involvement with task KM2.3 Producing Educational Meterial, and also KM2.5 E-Conference where he will also introduce Nora and suggest they works together on the task.
  • NE also share reports of JLP1.1; JLP1.2 KM2.1; JLP1.3; KM2.2 with NH in DROPBOX, to assist her in determining preliminary topics of the e-Conference
  • Re the International conference in Ispra Italy. Since NH is going to be in Amsterdam prior to the conference in Italy, she is going to join the NEPAD Consortium. NE/DM will discuss the minor cost implications with Prof Cloete (a flight between Amsterdam and Milan). It is also a good oppertunity for NH to meet the EC JRC and Murray Biedler and discuss the e-Conference task and other consortium members. NH accomodation in Ispra will form part fo the EC JRC project, as there is still budget available - there are currently 11 people going out of 14 available
The meeting adjourned


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