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The 5th World Sustainability Forum-Switzerland-Sep2015

The 5th World Sustainability Forum aims to be a platform for researchers to present and engage with others on issues relating to sustainability within this historical context. We seek to contribute to policy-relevant, change-oriented, and transdisciplinary research and collaboration from science and technology, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Three thematic areas have been identified to structure this event:

Workshop: Earth Observations and the Water Energy Food Nexus

Dear Colleague,

The European Space Agency, the Global Water Systems Project and the Food and Agricultural Organization invite you to a workshop on Earth observations and their contribution to the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus. The workshop will take place from 25-27 March 2014 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. It is aimed at reviewing and synthesizing the current state of Earth observation applications to WEF issues and the information needs of data users from across a range of sectors.

European Development Days 2013 : LIVE STREAMING


European Development Days is the gathering of European development practitioners and their partners worldwide. Its aim is to win the hearts and minds of all stakeholders, fostering engagement and facilitating the implementation of the agenda for greater aid effectiveness. The forum is also a key date for the diary and a unique opportunity to communicate widely on the concrete results of European development cooperation efforts.

Final Workshop of the European Commission "NEPAD African Water Centres of Excellence" support project

This event is organized in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the African Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centers of Excellence implemented by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC).
This workshop will encounter the joint contribution of the Western and of the Southern NEPAD Networks of Centers of Excellence in Water Science and Technology.
In this final workshop the following themes will be addressed:
  • The NEPAD Western and Southern Africa Water Centres of Excellence
  • final proj
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