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WATER, ENERGY, FOOD - Nexus Thinking Explained

Nexus thinking is a new way of thinking that recognises the crucial interdependence of water, energy and food -- a relationship that forms the core of the Environment Nexus project. This new IIEA video explores the deep interconnections between the three essential resources and highlights the need for nexus thinking to help meet the world's needs, as it grows from 7 to 9 billion by 2050.

The Environment Nexus project is co-financed by the European Parliament

Joint response strategy to Western African Sector needs Workshop


This event is organized in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the African Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centers of Excellence implemented by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC).

This workshop is the second of a series of three workshops to be held in 2013 in Western Africa tentatively:

1.      Abuja, Nigeria - February 11 – 15, 2013

2.      Accra, Ghana - April 22 – 26, 2013

Water in the Urban Environment: Bringing research to the market


This joint conference is dedicated to the urban context and focuses on building bridges between research and water-related societal challenges. Its aim is to explore the cornerstones of water innovation and its applicable directions to the market.

It will also build on the Water Innovation Europe 2012 conference and contribute to the implementation of the European Innovation Partnership on Water.

3er Evento Coordinacion RALCEA, Comites Direccion y Seguimiento - 22-23 Marzo 2013 - Vina del Mar (Chile)

Este evento está organizado en el marco del proyecto RALCEA de la Comisión Europea (CE), proyecto financiado y gestionado por la Dirección General de Desarrollo y Cooperación-EuropeAid y cuya ejecución está a cargo del Centro Común de Investigación (CCI o JRC) de la Comisión Europea.

RALCEA - Reunion Eje Calidad de Agua y Saneamiento - 17-18 Marzo 2013 Vina del Mar (Chile)

Taller "Calidad de Agua y Saneamiento" RALCEA (17-18 Marzo 2013) que nos va a presentar la Guia de Casos de Estudio en esta tematica y que cuenta con mas de 30 casos que ustedes han enviado. Se podra igualmente priorizar y definir una cartera de 3 proyectos, equipos de trabajo y potenciales fondos de financiacion. Este taller esta organizado y coordinado por Fundacion Chile (coordinador del Eje) que igualmente ha hecho una gran labor de sintesis de todos los casos propuestos por los centros de Excelencia.

RALCEA - Reunion Eje Mapeo de Actores y Participacion - 17-19 Marzo 2013 Vina del Mar (Chile)

Objetivo: profundizar, priorizar, y consensuar las necesidades de capacitación de los Puntos Focales.  Compatibilizar las demandas de los sectores gubernamentales con las capacidades instaladas en la región. Definir las actividades a desarrollar a nivel nacional que contribuyan al desarrollo del sector del agua en América Latina.


Workshop 1-Nigeria- A joint stakeholders analysis of the water sector in Western Africa

 Dear participants,

This event is organised in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the African Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centres of Excellence implemented by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC).


This workshop is the first of a series of three workshops to be held in 2013 in Western Africa tentatively:

1.      Abuja, Nigeria - February 11 – 15, 2013

2.      Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - April 1 – 5, 2013

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