Event date
International Cooperation in Urban Sanitation Research
Sunday, 1 September, 17.45-18.45, Room B9/10
Involved in research, policy and practice related to urban sanitation? Then join us at this Stockholm World Water Week 2013 side event! Share and discuss the latest research by the SPLASH Sanitation Research Programme.
This event presents the SPLASH Sanitation Research programme - an example of international cooperation in programme design and implementation. This researches the challenges to sanitation service provision in urban areas across the African continent, conducted by international consortia comprising leading European and African research institutions: 3K-San Catalysing self-sustaining sanitation chains in informal settlements (led by University of Surrey, UK) in Kisumu, Kigali and Kampala; U-ACT Economic constraints and demand-led solutions for sustainable sanitation services in poor urban settlements (led by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Kampala; FaME Faecal Management Enterprise (led by Sandec) in Accra, Dakar and Kampala; MAFADY Maîtrise de la filière assainissement dans un écosystème côtier à Douala et les quartier populaires de Yaoundé au Cameroun (led by Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé) in Douala and Yaoundé; CLASS-A Sustainable and resilient sanitation service chains in Maputo province, Mozambique (led by IWA); and WEDC Programme management/dissemination.
Sunday, 1 September, 17.45-18.45, Room B9/10
Involved in research, policy and practice related to urban sanitation? Then join us at this Stockholm World Water Week 2013 side event! Share and discuss the latest research by the SPLASH Sanitation Research Programme.
This event presents the SPLASH Sanitation Research programme - an example of international cooperation in programme design and implementation. This researches the challenges to sanitation service provision in urban areas across the African continent, conducted by international consortia comprising leading European and African research institutions: 3K-San Catalysing self-sustaining sanitation chains in informal settlements (led by University of Surrey, UK) in Kisumu, Kigali and Kampala; U-ACT Economic constraints and demand-led solutions for sustainable sanitation services in poor urban settlements (led by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Kampala; FaME Faecal Management Enterprise (led by Sandec) in Accra, Dakar and Kampala; MAFADY Maîtrise de la filière assainissement dans un écosystème côtier à Douala et les quartier populaires de Yaoundé au Cameroun (led by Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé) in Douala and Yaoundé; CLASS-A Sustainable and resilient sanitation service chains in Maputo province, Mozambique (led by IWA); and WEDC Programme management/dissemination.
For more information about this event see http://programme.worldwaterweek.org/event/international-cooperation-in-2919 or contact Dr. Julie Fisher (j.fisher1(at)lboro.ac.uk)