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Country Water Resources Profile Zambia



This summary of the country water resources profile CWRP has observed that intensifying competition for water resources by agricultural, industrial, and domestic users will continue to put a lot of pressure on water resources. The cause for this situation was identified as having been; (i) the country not being able to challenge its scientists to solve some water-related developmental issues, and (ii) research not receiving adequate attention, which has led to policy and decision-making remaining uninformed. Further, the report identified the following research and development gaps in the water sector, which must be addressed in order to ensure that every Zambian has fair access to the resource and related services regardless of their economic and social status’. The report has also noted that there is inadequate research being undertaken in the country to:

  • Determine the impact of land use changes in areas of rapidly growing populations on the country’s surface- and ground-water resources.
  • Assess capacities of wastewater treatment plants in the country’s major cities (environmental audit of the treatment plants).
  • Assess the amount of available water resources in the country, especially groundwater.
  • Assess effects of climate change scenarios and drivers on the country’s surface water and groundwater resources.
  • Seek solutions to some existing societal challenges, including those that utilize indigenous knowledge.

In this regard, the report concludes that for Zambia’s water to sustain lives and meet the socio-economic needs of the country’s citizens there is need to (i) support research activities in the acquisition of water data through continuous monitoring, (ii) analyse and assess data and information, and (iii) provide relevant feedback to decision makers and stakeholders. To attain these noble causes, the Government of the Republic of Zambia should recognise the importance of, and support research and research institutions with adequate resources and challenging them to provide solutions to some or most of the identified issues/challenges and gaps in the country’s water sector.

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WEFE-SENEGAL (13-14 Dec): Atelier Technique - Donnees Hydrogeologiques a l'OMVS

Atelier en ligne sur le partage des données hydrogéologiques à l’OMVS



Objectif général du cours: Identifier conjointement les besoins et les opportunités d’amélioration de la gestion des données sur les eaux souterraines et la prise de décisions informée dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal, au niveau de l’OMVS et de ses Etats Membres.


WEFE-SENEGAL (13-14 Dec): Atelier Technique - Donnees Hydrogeologiques a l'OMVS

Atelier en ligne sur le partage des données hydrogéologiques à l’OMVS



Objectif général du cours: Identifier conjointement les besoins et les opportunités d’amélioration de la gestion des données sur les eaux souterraines et la prise de décisions informée dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal, au niveau de l’OMVS et de ses Etats Membres.


WEFE-SENEGAL (13-14 Dec): Atelier Technique - Donnees Hydrogeologiques a l'OMVS

Atelier en ligne sur le partage des données hydrogéologiques à l’OMVS



Objectif général du cours: Identifier conjointement les besoins et les opportunités d’amélioration de la gestion des données sur les eaux souterraines et la prise de décisions informée dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal, au niveau de l’OMVS et de ses Etats Membres.


WEFE-SENEGAL (13-14 Dec): Atelier Technique - Donnees Hydrogeologiques a l'OMVS

Atelier en ligne sur le partage des données hydrogéologiques à l’OMVS



Objectif général du cours: Identifier conjointement les besoins et les opportunités d’amélioration de la gestion des données sur les eaux souterraines et la prise de décisions informée dans le bassin du fleuve Sénégal, au niveau de l’OMVS et de ses Etats Membres.


How to keep your groundwater drinkable: Safer siting of sanitation systems

This document serves as an introduction to the criteria for siting sanitation systems in order to reduce the risk of adversely affecting groundwater quality.

The present document aims at providing a broad initial overview to engineering and geological professionals, planning officials, government officials who are involved in the planning and construction of sanitation systems or developing water safety plans (WHO, 2005) or sanitation safety plans.



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