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Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas


Inception meeting


Addressing Water Security: Climate Impacts and Adaptation responses in Africa, Asia and the Americas

(With the support from Flanders Trust Fund for Science)


Paris, 9-10 February 2015

Bonvin Building – Room/Salle XIV


Organized by UNESCO-IHP

Budapest Water Summit

Various international bodies are engaged in the assessment of existing and the elaboration of future water-related development goals, including an SDG. With a view to assess and summarise these activities as well as to provide guidance for future work the Government of Hungary, in cooperation with the UN system and the World Water Council, organises a global conference: the Budapest Water Summit in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, between 8-11 October 2013.

WATER, ENERGY, FOOD - Nexus Thinking Explained

Nexus thinking is a new way of thinking that recognises the crucial interdependence of water, energy and food -- a relationship that forms the core of the Environment Nexus project. This new IIEA video explores the deep interconnections between the three essential resources and highlights the need for nexus thinking to help meet the world's needs, as it grows from 7 to 9 billion by 2050.

The Environment Nexus project is co-financed by the European Parliament

Searching for water peace - UN international year of water cooperation

One important area of cooperation involves  transboundary rivers, which can be a source of conflict, or economic benefit the countries. Over the last 50 years, over 200 treaties have been signed regulating the use of rivers such as the Indus, Jordan and Danube. But in Central Asia, the five republics have been talking for 20 years without agreeing how to share the waters of the great Aral Sea Basin, source of water for agriculture and hydropower. Now they may be getting somewhere.

Training course on Water and Health

The objective of this course is to present the diseases and health issues related to water. Different types of water related diseases and how they are transmitted will be presented. This will be followed by prevention strategies which can be employed to minimize the transmission of these diseases.

By: Murray Biedler for Aquaknow

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