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Budapest Water Summit

Jul 23, 2013
Event date

Various international bodies are engaged in the assessment of existing and the elaboration of future water-related development goals, including an SDG. With a view to assess and summarise these activities as well as to provide guidance for future work the Government of Hungary, in cooperation with the UN system and the World Water Council, organises a global conference: the Budapest Water Summit in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary, between 8-11 October 2013.


The principal objective of the 2013 Budapest Water Summit:

The Role of Water and Sanitation in the Global Sustainable Development Agenda is to take stock of the various developments, in and outside the UN system, in preparing water-related goals for the post Rio+20 development agenda.

The Budapest Water Summit is envisaged as a policy forum to facilitate consensus building amongst stakeholders concerning water and sanitation policy goals. As the Summit aims to formulate a concrete recommendation for the UN General Assembly for setting the post-2015 development agenda, it must bridge political, scientific and technical aspects in the elaboration of the water and sanitation related SDG.

Areas covered

Striving for universal access to water and sanitation: Critical issues of access to water and sanitation, urban water infrastructure planning, waste water management, development and maintenance from technological, financial, public health and human rights aspects, with a view to providing sustained access;

Integrated water resources management for the 21st century: The challenges of adaptation and resilience in face of a growing population and a changing climate – complex solutions for pollution prevention, soil and groundwater protection, food security, disaster risk management including floods and droughts and man-made disasters, water storage and recycling, the water, food and energy nexus;

Good water governance: International cooperation, transboundary river basin and aquifer management, integrated institutional strategy in planning and implementation, stakeholder participation in the preparation of water policies; capacity development, education, research, data management, monitoring and assessment;

Green economy for blue water: Traditional and innovative water technologies and techniques in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; practical, affordable, local solutions in the various regions of the world;

Investment in and financing of the implementation of water and sanitation SDG: The availability and best use of national and international financial resources and institutions; best practices, lessons learned. In addition to official development policy, special attention is to be paid to investment in water and sanitation as a regular course of business.


Next to the Plenary sessions, parallel stakeholder meetings will be held as follows:

  • Science Forum,
  • Youth Forum,
  • Civil Society Forum,
  • Business Leaders Forum and Expo,
  • Philanthropy Roundtable.


The forums will be invited to provide written contributions to the Budapest Recommendations.