Namibia is planning to kill more than 700 wild animals, including elephants, zebras and hippos, and distribute the meat to the people struggling with food insecurity as the country grapples with its worst drought in 100 years.The animals set to be culled include 83 elephants, 30 hippos
Zimbabwe has authorized a mass slaughter of elephants to feed citizens left hungry by its worst drought in decades.With nearly half of the country’s population facing the risk of acute hunger, “we are targeting to cull 200 elephants,” Tinashe Farawo, a spokesperson for the Zimbabw
This map viewer gives access to the SADC Hydrogeological map and atlas. The viewer contains a harmonised hydrogeological map for the SADC region, and borehole data from SADC member states. The viewer is designed to provide easy access to this information for all those who are involved
The Soil and Terrain database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF version 1.0), at scale 1:2 million, include the spatial and soil attribute data for 8 Southern African countries. The SOTERSAF database was compiled using the existing soil information and following the SOTER methodology of th
The Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) is a joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Germany in response to the challenges of global change. It contains a collection of hourly meteo data stat