The Soil and Terrain database for Southern Africa (SOTERSAF version 1.0), at scale 1:2 million, include the spatial and soil attribute data for 8 Southern African countries. The SOTERSAF database was compiled using the existing soil information and following the SOTER methodology of the 1:1 million scale with respect to pedon attribute data storage. The data (SOTERSAF) were compiled in the framework of the ongoing activities of ISRIC, FAO and UNEP to update the world's baseline information on natural resources in SOTER.The project involved collaboration with national soil institutes from the countries in the region as well as individual experts.
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Engelen V.W.P. van and J.A. Dijkshoorn (eds.),2013. Global and National Soils and Terrain Databases (SOTER). Procedures Manual, Version 2.0, ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen. 198 pages,10 figures and 9 tables.
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