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Présentation du projet REPECHAO (Français, English, Español)



Résilience et pérennisation du château d’eau d’Afrique de l’Ouest




L’équipe du projet REPECHAO est composée de chercheurs de l’IRD (Laboratoire PALOC, IRD/MNHN, et LMI PATEO), de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT), du SENASOL (Service National des Sols de la République de Guinée) et de l’ONG Grdr (Migrations, Citoyenneté, Développement)

Les Objectifs

Présentation du projet REPECHAO (Français, English, Español)



Résilience et pérennisation du château d’eau d’Afrique de l’Ouest




L’équipe du projet REPECHAO est composée de chercheurs de l’IRD (Laboratoire PALOC, IRD/MNHN, et LMI PATEO), de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT), du SENASOL (Service National des Sols de la République de Guinée) et de l’ONG Grdr (Migrations, Citoyenneté, Développement)

Les Objectifs

NEW: Science for the AU-EU partnership: Building knowledge for sustainable development

People, planet, prosperity and peace are four priorities shared by Africa and Europe, and areas where opportunities for beneficial cooperation abound. Over the past three decades, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has worked with many organisations and institutions across Africa. This report and its accompanying interactive online service, 'Africa StoryMaps', present the key findings from this collaboration, and set out options the decision-making, research, and education communities may consider.

ACEWATER2 Regional Meeting

This project, requested by the African Ministers of Water to DG Devco, intends to scale up the approach of the phase I of the project (pilot project) and to address the lack of sustainability in capacity building in the water sector in Africa.

The main activities of the project will consist in:

Strengthening of two existing NEPAD water Centres of Excellence networks in West and Southern Africa;

• Creation of two NEPAD water Centres of Excellence network in Central and Eastern Africa;

Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Africa's Infrastructure

This book evaluates - using for the first time a single consistent methodology and a wide range of state-of-the-art future cliamte scenarios - the impacts of cliamte change on hydropower and irrigation expansion plans in Africa's mais river basin (Congo, Niger, Nile, Orange, Senegal, Volta, and Zambezi), as well as the effects on the electricity sector accross four power pools (west, Eastern, Central, and Southern power pools).

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