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Annex 9 - 10 (SC) : Assessing development and climate variability impacts on water resources in the Zambezi River basin

- Annex 9: Hughes D., Mantel S. and Farinosi F. , 2020. Assessing development and climate variability impacts on water resources in the Zambezi River basin: Initial model calibration, uncertainty issues and performance. ACEWATER2 report JRC120956 (Main deliverable)


Position Paper on WEFE Nexus and SDGs

Current EU development policy provides a general frame and background that justifies a Nexus approach and methodology. Thus, the new European Consensus on Development: “Our World, our Dignity, our Future” (June 2017) emphasises an integrated approach to development and strongly supports the 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted in September 2015 as a global framework for sustainable development action. The 2030 Agenda itself emphasises an integrated approach that can facilitate a Nexus methodology.

Bangladeshi arsenic - and salt - mitigation sourcebook and decision - support tool

This publication provides a detailed description of the ASTRA arsenic- and salt-mitigation tool developed in the framework of the BRAC WASH II programme. It is a supporting compendium and tool to help decision-makers, practitioners and students understand and identify potentially appropriate technological solutions to tackle the widespread arsenic and salinity problems in the water sources of Bangladesh. The main focus is on arsenic removal by disinfection and (in)filtration and on the use of alternative water sources.

Procesos de adaptación al cambio climático Análisis de América Latina

El cambio climático tiene efectos significativos en las actividades económicas, el bienestar de la población  y los ecosistemas (IPCC, 2007a). La evidencia disponible actualmente sugiere que es prácticamente inevitable un aumento de 2ºC de temperatura durante la primera mitad de este siglo, con sus consecuentes impactos climáticos adicionales (Stern, 2007).

A high-resolution global-scale groundwater model

Abstract. Groundwater is the world's largest accessible source of fresh water. It plays a vital role in satisfying basic needs for drinking water, agriculture and industrial activities. During times of drought groundwater sustains baseflow to rivers and wetlands, thereby supporting ecosystems. Most global-scale hydrological models (GHMs) do not include a groundwater flow component, mainly due to lack of geohydrological data at the global scale.

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