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From risks to returns: WEFE Nexus solutions for climate resilience

Tuesday 24 August 15:00-16:00
From risks to returns: WEFE Nexus solutions for climate resilience

This is an event organised by GIZ in the frame of the Stockholm World Water Week 2021.


Join us for behind-the-scenes conversations between policy-makers, public, private project developers and financial institutions to promote cross-sectoral policy-making and mobilise financing for water, energy and food-security. 

WEFE Nexus allows us to understand the complex and dynamic interlinkages between water, energy, food security and ecosystems, and their impacts at different scales. It minimizes unintended trade-offs that arise with silo approaches while at the same time striving to maximize synergies between different resources uses.

From a financing perspective, a well-structured Nexus project can improve the risk-return characteristics of a project. Risks can be reduced by diversifying the sources of project returns, by anticipating trade-offs, and by building a wider base of stakeholders interested in achieving a successful project in a cooperative manner.

Join our dialogue event between policy-makers, project developers and finance experts to discuss: How can we reframe policies and projects in the water, energy and agricultural sector in order to capture the intrinsic interlinkages between the resources while factoring in environmental criteria? How do we leverage financing for integrated natural resources projects? And what is the role of regional and transboundary cooperation frameworks to upscale and accelerate wider uptake of WEFE Nexus solutions? This session will showcase and analyze ‘good practice’-WEFE Nexus solutions as a possible way forward.

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