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ANNEX 133-134 (HCD): IMPACT – Monitoring & Evaluation Annexes

The reports on the Impact and the Monitoring & Evaluation undertaken by two external consultants can be found in Annexes 133 and 134. The importance of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) as well as Impact Study were recognized during the implementation phase of the project. The objective of the M&E activity was to contribute to the development and implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for ACEWATER II HCD activities of Pilot Courses and the Mobility and Exchange of staff and students.

European Development Days 2017

Europe’s leading forum on development since 2006, Organized by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.


DRAFT Principles
Cluster 1: Effectiveness of water governance
1.Roles and responsibilities
2.Scale including basin governance
3.Policy coherence
Cluster 2: Efficiency of water governance
5.Data and information
6.Financial resources
7.Regulatory frameworks
Cluster 3:Engagement and trust
9.Integrity and transparency
10.Stakeholder engagement
11.Equity across users,
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