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How to keep your groundwater drinkable: Safer siting of sanitation systems

This document serves as an introduction to the criteria for siting sanitation systems in order to reduce the risk of adversely affecting groundwater quality.

The present document aims at providing a broad initial overview to engineering and geological professionals, planning officials, government officials who are involved in the planning and construction of sanitation systems or developing water safety plans (WHO, 2005) or sanitation safety plans.



A Review of Decision-Making Support Tools in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Sector

Executive Summary

In developing countries, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practitioners need a way to choose among the numerous available options for securing safe water and sanitation. Effectively addressing community needs requires that technologies or approaches be economically, ecologically, and socially appropriate and sustainable. Decision-making support tools help address this need, guiding practitioners to the most appropriate water and sanitation solutions.

WEAP-Volta file

This is the folder of the WEAP-Volta application. Unzip it and place it in the WEAP folder (in Program Files).

Ceci est le répertoire de l'application WEAP-Volta. Unzippez-la et placez-la dans le répertoire de WEAP (dans Program Files).


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