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EC NEXUS-SDGs Position Paper


The main objective of the Position Paper is to i) frame the context for operationalising the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus outside EU for development cooperation support and provide recommendations for future projects and initiatives. Additionally, this document aims to (ii) address the needs of institutions and organisations implementing the WEF Nexus, support the quality control of relevant projects, define the design criteria for certain types of projects and demonstrate the added-value and benefits occurring from the investment and (iii) application of the WEF Nexus concept in practice, especially in the context of 2030 Agenda and SDGs.

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Position Paper on WEFE Nexus and SDGs

Current EU development policy provides a general frame and background that justifies a Nexus approach and methodology. Thus, the new European Consensus on Development: “Our World, our Dignity, our Future” (June 2017) emphasises an integrated approach to development and strongly supports the 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted in September 2015 as a global framework for sustainable development action. The 2030 Agenda itself emphasises an integrated approach that can facilitate a Nexus methodology.

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