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WATER, ENERGY, FOOD - Nexus Thinking Explained

Nexus thinking is a new way of thinking that recognises the crucial interdependence of water, energy and food -- a relationship that forms the core of the Environment Nexus project. This new IIEA video explores the deep interconnections between the three essential resources and highlights the need for nexus thinking to help meet the world's needs, as it grows from 7 to 9 billion by 2050.

The Environment Nexus project is co-financed by the European Parliament

Training course on Water and Health

The objective of this course is to present the diseases and health issues related to water. Different types of water related diseases and how they are transmitted will be presented. This will be followed by prevention strategies which can be employed to minimize the transmission of these diseases.

By: Murray Biedler for Aquaknow

Training course on Water Supply

The objective of this course is to present the challenge of water supply for human consumption. Elements of water quality and water quantity will be addressed. This will be followed by basic strategies for providing access to, and distribution of, safe water supply.


By: Murray Biedler for Aquaknow.

Accedere all’energia, accendere lo sviluppo." Il summer training del progetto Energizing Development

Dal 28 maggio al 15 giugno apre a Bologna il Summer Training Programme del Progetto Europeo “Energizing Development” che ha per tema centrale l’accesso alle energie rinnovabili e sostenibili come elemento fondante per promuovere lo sviluppo e riequilibrare le disuguaglianze globali.

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