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Raw data results of the Open-ended questions from Survey JLP1.1

This file contains the raw data results of the open-ended questions of the survey conducted for task JLP1.1

The open ended questions include:


JLP 1.1

1. Are you aware of any capacity development strategies or skills audits that have been carried out in your country or in the SADC region?



1. Do you have a formalized knowledge management system?

If so, what does it entail? 

Water Tool Kit PDF

The management of freshwater resources and related services is of critical importance to healthy social, economic and political well-being of a society. Stresses exerted on the world's water resources by the increasing demand from growing populations with changing consumption patterns and the destruction of water quality from pollution as a result of poor environmental management, are placing water increasingly higher on the international agenda, including that of climate change.

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