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West Africa, particularly the Sudano-Sahelian zone, has experienced unprecedented climate variability in recent decades. Despite some periods of respite, the statistics do not really plead for a return to better climatic conditions, precisely rainfall. Beyond the structural aspect of this climate variability, many effects have been observed on socio-economic activities and also on socio-cultural practices. This situation has a dramatic impact on water resources and inparticular on the hydrology of West African transboundary basins such as those of Senegal and Gambia.


The wealth of natural and human resources, coupled with its water resource development opportunities, made the Zambezi Watercourse ideal for assessing current governance approaches and its effectiveness to support sustainable socio-economic development impact, particularly community and livelihoods scales, through implementing the WEFE Nexus. There were three phases to the study: firstly, a collation and assessment of the Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) governance documents and approaches; secondly, evaluating the risks identified in the scientific assessments of the study; and lastly, to support existing ZAMCOM initiatives through practicable interventions that would enhance WEFE Nexus implementation, using the findings from Phases 1 and 2. The study established that there was a wealth of information available about various aspects of the Zambezi Watercourse, including the WEFE Nexus. At a macro level, the ZAMCOM Agreement and the Strategic Plan for the Zambezi Watercourse 2018-2040 address the governance framework and related high-level enabling structures. However, implementation of the governance framework across different geographical scales in the watercourse, particularly at the community and household scales for livelihoods benefits was unclear, as were any tangible WEFE Nexus benefits. The key issue from the scientific assessments was the lack of data on the one hand; and secondly, the quality of the available data could be questionable. This would negatively affect objective scientific assessments that were an important basis for governance intervention decisions. The WEFE nexus governance implementation framework proposed in this study took into account these factors including the unique socio-technical and socio-political dynamics of the watercourse. Consideration of indigenous knowledge systems and traditions and the severe resource constraints that are typical of many African situations were a key factor in the implementation framework configuration. The emphasis of the proposed governance implementation framework is not theoretical or academic, but rather a practitioner perspective that is catalytic, practical and realistic.



- Annex 31: Seetal A., 2020. Water governance, cooperation and information systems: inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122955 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 32: Seetal A., 2020. Water governance, cooperation and information systems: Project Manual “A Catalyst for Practical Governance”. ACEWATER2 report JRC122955 (Main deliverable)


Annex 29-30 (SC): Characterization of Current Agriculture Activities, Future Potential Irrigation Developments and Food Security to Face Climate Variability in the Zambezi River Basin by A Senzanje and TL Dirwai (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

The transboundary Zambezi River Basin (ZRB), the fourth largest in Africa, faces many challenges from
the perspective of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, including, among many others,
hydropower, reservoir multipurpose optimization and release management, rainfed and irrigated
agriculture development, impact of land use and agricultural practices (including livestock and
fisheries), role of ecosystem services (natural parks, wetlands), pressures on resources due to

Annex 18 - 21 (SC): Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (WACOZA) - Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe

The project “Zambezi River Basin Groundwater Hydrology Characterisation in Zimbabwe” was a contribution to the “Water and Cooperation within the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB)” case study project for Southern Africa Centres of Excellence (CoEs) in the framework of AU/NEPAD ACEWATER2 project. The general objective of the case study project was to assess Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) interdependencies across the Zambezi River Basin. The following specific objectives guided scientific activities related to groundwater hydrology characterisation in Zimbabwe:

Annex 14-17 (SC): Groundwater flow modelling in the Zambezi river basin to investigate the interaction with surface water bodies by Dr. Kawawa Banda

- Annex 14: Banda K., 2020. Zambia groundwater hydrology and aquifers contamination relevant to WEFE Nexus analysis for the Zambezi River Basin: inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122703 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 15: Banda K., 2020. Zambia groundwater hydrology and aquifers contamination relevant to WEFE Nexus analysis for the Zambezi River Basin: final report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122703 (Main deliverable)
- Annex 16: Banda K., 2020. Database (hydrogeology of Zambia). ACEWATER2 report JRC122703 (Component of deliverable)



The objective of this study was to analyse the impact of hydropower operation on surface
hydrology dynamics of the Zambezi river basin, and understanding how such dynamics could be
affected by future climate change. This study entailed the synthesis of existing GIS and
monitoring data, hydrological data analysis, development of a model application of the Reservoir
System Simulator (ResSim) for the Zambezi; verification of the model for historical conditions,
and evaluation of the effect of future climate change scenarios on reservoir water levels, river

Annex 6-8 (SC): The ZAMBEZI Guidelines in modelling hydrology and hydropower based on case studies

- Annex 6: De Clercq W., 2020. HHD.1 Inception report. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Component of deliverable)
- Annex 7: De Clercq W. And De Witt M., 2020. The Zambezi: guidelines in modelling hydrology and hydropower based on case studies. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Main deliverable)
- Annex 8: De Clercq W., 2020. The Zambezi: guidelines in modelling hydrology and hydropower based on case studies. Addendum A: a map database on the Aquaknow platform to support hydrological modelling. ACEWATER2 report JRC122709 (Component of deliverable)
The Zambezi as a shared water resource in SADC presented numerous sensitive issues related to data availability and data sharing. The data needed included climate, flow, agricultural water use, groundwater hydrology and use, water quality and all the flow information. The Zambezi is also used for power generation and this impact on flow.
The information base also included remotely sensed information, soils maps, landuse and the geomorphology of the total Zambezi catchment.
The project also looked at access to existing models and their applicability as management models, with the man aim to also be usable in terms of dam level responses related to power generation.
Three groups were found that developed models for the Zambezi Catchment. The first was a group at TU Delft, the second a group from Switzerland, and the last, a group from South Africa.. The first two used SWAT modelling and the last used the South African Pitman model, also known as SPATSIM. SPATSIM was made available to group and the group was trained to use SPATSIM
The SPATSIM (and Pitman) model is used by the South African water authorities as a water planning model. The model is based on flow measurements and response curves and mainly driven by distributed rainfall data.
SPATSIM was found to be a good model to use for the Zambezi Catchment and ultimate aim is to include SPATSIM in the ZAMCOM database system to be utilized for future water planning. This model was also easier to set up, making use of CRU climate data and all the flow data for the catchment.
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