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Global Water Surface

Jul 25, 2023
Dataset extended description

The Global Surface Water Explorer is a simple web mapping tool that shows all of the water datasets and allows users to navigate the globe visualizing the water datasets without installing any software. It also allows users to view the complete history of water detections over the 32 year period by clicking on the map. The tool is intended as a data viewer and does not provide any analytical features - if you would like to do your own analysis on the data then access the data using Data Download or Google Earth Engine.

Dataset keywords
Dataset last access
Dataset JRC path
Dataset category
Dataset format
Dataset availability
Dataset use limitations

All data here is produced under the Copernicus Programme and is provided free of charge, without
restriction of use. For the full license information see the Copernicus Regulation.
Publications, models and data products that make use of these datasets must include proper
acknowledgement, including citing datasets and the journal article as in the following citation.

Dataset temporal frequency
Dataset spatial extent
Dataset spatial resolution degree
Dataset spatial resolution description
About 250 m
Dataset region of interest
Dataset JRC contact
Dataset credits

Jean-Francois Pekel, Andrew Cottam, Noel Gorelick, Alan S. Belward, High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes. Nature 540, 418-422 (2016). (doi:10.1038/nature20584)

Dataset disclaimer

Aquaknow provides key metadata for a selection of global and regional datas of relevance to WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem) nexus and socio-economic analysis. The information may  be not necessarily complete, nor regularly updated and links could be discontinued by original providers. Users are recommended to make reference to original datas websites for comprehensive terms and conditions of use, including academic credits. Aquaknow platform  is not liable for, and specifically disclaims any warranties, express or implied, in connection with, the use of the datas, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.