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Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD)

Jul 25, 2023
Dataset extended description

Drawing upon a variety of existing maps, data and information, WWF and the Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Germany created the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD). The combination of best available sources for lakes and wetlands on a global scale (1:1 to 1:3 million resolution), and the application of GIS functionality enabled the generation of a database which focuses in three coordinated levels on (1) large lakes and reservoirs, (2) smaller water bodies, and (3) wetlands.

Level 1 (GLWD-1) comprises the 3067 largest lakes (area ≥ 50 km2) and 654 largest reservoirs (storage capacity ≥ 0.5 km3) worldwide, and includes extensive attribute data. Access Level 1 data

Level 2 (GLWD-2) comprises permanent open water bodies with a surface area ≥ 0.1 km2 excluding the water bodies contained in GLWD-1. Access Level 2 data

The approximately 250,000 polygons of GLWD-2 are attributed as lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Level 3 (GLWD-3) comprises lakes, reservoirs, rivers and different wetland types in the form of a global raster map at 30-second resolution. Access Level 3 data

For GLWD-3, the polygons of GLWD-1 and GLWD-2 were combined with additional information on the maximum extents and types of wetlands. Class ‘lake’ in both GLWD-2 and GLWD-3 also includes man-made reservoirs, as only the largest reservoirs have been distinguished from natural lakes.

The data is available for free download (for non-commercial scientific, conservation and educational purposes).

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Dataset use limitations

The data is available for free download (for non-commercial scientific, conservation and educational purposes (see URL).

Dataset temporal frequency
Dataset spatial extent
Dataset region of interest
Dataset JRC contact
Dataset disclaimer

Aquaknow provides key metadata for a selection of global and regional datas of relevance to WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem) nexus and socio-economic analysis. The information may  be not necessarily complete, nor regularly updated and links could be discontinued by original providers. Users are recommended to make reference to original datas websites for comprehensive terms and conditions of use, including academic credits. Aquaknow platform  is not liable for, and specifically disclaims any warranties, express or implied, in connection with, the use of the datas, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.