The Land Cover map of Africa is one regional component of the GLC2000 exercise, conceived and coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre. The GLC2000 maps are based on daily observations made from 1st November 1999 to 31st December 2000 by the VEGETATION sensor on the SPOT 4 satellite. The Africa map legend pays special attention to the forest and savannah biomes. The map shows specific land-cover features as the irrigated agriculture, the ribbons of secondary forest of the swamp forests at a spatial detail never achieved before.
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These data are available free of charge for non-commercial use, provided they are properly referenced (see the copyright section in the Legal notice note).
Chen J., Ban Y., Li S. China: Open access to Earth land-cover map[J]. Nature, 2014, 514(7523): 434-434. DOI:10.1038/514434c.
Chen J.,Chen J.,and Liao A., et al. Remote sensing mapping of global land cover[M].Science Press,Beijing, 2016. [In Chinese]
Chen J., Liao A., and Chen J., et al. 30-meter GlobalLand cover data product- GLobeLand30 [J]. Geomatics World,2017,24(1):1-8. DOI: 1672-1586(2017)01-0001-08. [In Chinese]
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