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Youth and Water Security in Africa

UNESCO - Call for Extended Abstracts - Deadline: 30 July 2020



I. Background

UNESCO is devoted to engaging with youth as leaders, knowledge-holders and innovators in the Water Sector. One of the main ways of doing so is by encouraging youth to become more involved in research, development, innovation, enterprise and partnerships that address water security issues in Africa. Within the context the Africa Water Week, UNESCO is in touch with several international journals about publishing the printed and online versions of a special issue that will focus on the importance of Water Security and youth engagement in Africa. The main objectives of this activity includes to; improve the visibility of the scientific contribution of youth that address water related challenges in Africa, contribute to the advance of and address knowledge gaps on water security issues in Africa with a focus on the experience of youth and young professionals, encourage the use of knowledge generated by youth to improve policy processes and governance in the water sector and to inspire youth to become more involved in the co-production and application of knowledge.


The proposed special issue will focus on scientific articles on the overall theme of Youth and Water Security in Africa, be authored and/or co-authored by youth and young researchers and/or address the sub-themes of the call with a focus on the experience of youth and young professionals. The United Nations defines youth as persons aged 15 to 24 years and UNESCO also engages with young water professionals and researchers between the ages of 25-35 in its activities. Researchers from both age groups are encouraged to submit extended abstracts and explore gender issues where possible. Young researchers and youth are also encouraged to partner with experts to prepare extended abstracts to facilitate intergenerational cooperation.



UNESCO invites all researchers, particularly young researchers to submit extended abstracts that will be considered for publication in an online booklet of extended abstracts and eventually, if selected, as an article in the printed and online versions of a special issue of a journal within the context of Africa Water Week. UNESCO is in touch with several international journals about publishing this special issue. Once extended abstracts are received, the organization shall negotiate with the publishers and inform all selected authors of the required research paper format and other details. Extended abstracts must be submitted in English or French, however, the selected extended abstracts will be published as manuscripts in English. Please submit your extended abstracts to the following email address: according to the following extended abstract themes and guidelines by July 30 2020. The extended abstracts should focus on the overall theme of Youth and Water Security in Africa, be authored and/or co-authored by youth and young researchers and/or address the sub-themes of the call with a focus on the experience of youth and young professionals. Possibilities will be explored to facilitate the participation of selected youth responding to this call to present their papers in the Africa Water Week.


a. Extended Abstract themes

The overall theme for the call is Youth and Water Security in Africa. Some of the sub-themes for the proposed special issue include;

i. Water-related Disasters and Hydrological Changes;

ii. Groundwater in a Changing Environment;

iii. Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality;

iv. Water and Human Settlements of the Future;

v. Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sustainable World,

vi. Water Education, a Key to Water Security.


b. Submission guidelines

Recommended Format for Extended Abstract The recommended format for extended abstracts is noted below.

i. Introduction: State the problem/research question that is being addressed, scope, originality, rationale, overarching aim or objective of the research paper (150-250 words):

ii. Literature Review: theoretical background and discussions; fundamental concepts, findings of the recent studies, hypothesis and/or model development-if any, etc.) (250-500 words):

iii. Methodology: Explanation of how the research was conducted, data collection and analysis methods utilized in this study (100-200 words):

iv. Findings & Conclusion: The main results/ findings includes presentation of data and outcomes of research; Conclusion includes analysis of the relevance of results (100-250 words)

v. References (15-30 references)

vi. Disclosures: Funding sources, acknowledgements and possible conflicts of interests should be declared


viii. Tables and graphs: can be submitted with abstracts as an attached image or document. Allowed formats are jpeg and pdf. Please remember to label and provide references (e.g. Table 1, Figure 1, etc.) in the abstract where possible.

ix. Keywords (three-eight key terms)

x. Extended Abstracts should be submitted in PDF.

xi. Abbreviations should be defined.


c. Word Limit The following word limits will apply:

· Title: (3-15 words)

· Body of the Abstract: (500-1000 words, single space with no more than 3 pages) (references not included)


d. Proposed Review process

All extended abstracts will be subjected to peer review based on their quality and relevance. Reviewers of the extended abstract will have access to all information contained in it. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to determine acceptance of an extended abstract and notification of acceptance will be sent to authors of selected extended abstracts via email. Selected extended abstracts will be compiled and published in an online booklet of extended abstracts on Youth and Water Security in Africa and the possibility of publishing them as articles in an online journal is being explored with partners. UNESCO and partners will organize an online writers and networking workshop with the authors of selected extended abstracts. Please consider the following criteria to increase the probability of your abstract being selected:

· Relevance to the overall and specific themes, in Africa

· Linkages to Gender issues

· Focus on the relevance of the overall and sub themes to youth and young researchers/professionals

· Extended Abstracts authored or co-authored by youth and young researcher


e. Required Author /Submitter Information

i. Name(s) of Author(s):

ii. Organization(s)/ Affiliation(s):

iii. Nationality(ies):

iv. Mailing address:

v. Age:

vi. Youth network (if applicable):

vii. Email address:

viii. Telephone number:

ix. Is the extended abstract co-authored or authored by youth(s)/young researcher (s)?

x. Does this article focus on the experience of youths in relation to the overall theme and/or subthemes?

xi. Signed and dated declaration of Consent to Publication and Assignation of Copyright by all authors


f. Declaration of Consent to Publication and Assignation of Copyright: Authors who submit extended abstracts individually and collectively agree to the following statement:

I confirm that I checked the information contained in this extended abstract before submission and it is correct. Submission of the extended abstract indicates my consent to its publication (e.g. on websites, social media platforms, in programs, compilation/reproduction in a booklet/ distribution/ display/translation of the content in other promotional activities, etc.) and use by the organizers of the call for extended abstract. I (Author (s)/Submitter(s)) are/is owner(s) or has the rights of all the information included and content of the extended abstract. I confirm that the publication and use of the extended abstract does not infringe any third-party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights. The Organisers reserve the right to remove from any publication/selection process an extended abstract which does not comply with the declaration of consent. The lead author /submitter of the extended abstract is responsible for informing other authors about the status of the extended abstract.


Photo credits: Ralf STEINBERGER -

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