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Water and Sanitation on the Western Cape dam levels

3 Nov 2020

“As the rainfall season has come and gone for the Western part of the Western Cape, we have begun to see a tapering of rains as well as balancing out of dam levels in that part, we are seeing week on week the dams in the Western Cape Water Supply System stabilising,” says Sputnik Ratau National Spokesperson from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) National.

The hydrological report of today, 3 November 2020 indicates a slight decline in the dam levels of the Western Cape Water Supply System (WCWSS). The WCWSS levels combined are at 98% this week as compared to 99,02 % last week.

For the Eastern part of the Western Cape we are hoping to see the summer rainfall as it is expected. Ratau further states that the DWS implores the water users in the Western Cape to continue water demand management efforts as users cannot be complacent.

Meanwhile, DWS Western Cape will launch a summer water conservation/ enforcement campaign to educate the water users of the Western Cape about water use efficiency. This will be in conjunction with local authorities.

“Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity”

For more information contact:
DWS Media Liaison Director Sputnik Ratau
Cell: 082 874 2942

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