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The REFRAN-CV software allows processing time series of data from ground meteorological stations (precipitation data), in order to generate spatially-explicit products (return period maps) based on the L-moments statistics. This tool and the associated products at local and regional scale can be used in the development planning process and, concretely, to prepare investment in multi-purpose (irrigation, flood and drought prevention, environment protection) hydraulic infrastructure.

L-moments statistics are used to estimate the probability distribution function of precipitation data. The L-moments have the advantage of being less susceptible to the presence of outliers and performing better with smaller sample sizes. This is of particular interest in the case of datasets where the time series lengths are heterogeneous as this is usually the case in developing countries.

This version was developed by the JRC, CAZALAC (Chile), CIIFEN (Equator), UNAL-IDEA (Colombia), TEM (Mexico), and INSMET (Cuba), in the context of the EUROCLIMA-WATER and RALCEA projects. This software is based on the original R-script developed by CAZALAC (Chile).


The software was used for the production of the Regional Frequency Map of Precipitation of Latin America.


Download REFRAN-CV Software - In case of difficulties consult with us.

The user manual de REFRAN-CV  in english is available here

El manual en Español está disponible aquí


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