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A PhD or postdoc position is avalaible at VITO, Belgium, on the subject of the integration or fusion of in situ and earth observation data to support the development of tools for water quality management. This PhD or postdoc will be performed in close collaboration with the University of Ghent, Belgium. Candidates with a background in environmental sciences, statistics and/or remote sensing are welcomed to this PhD or postdoc position.



There is a growing need for monitoring and surveillance services for bays, lakes, rivers, canals, harbours, ports and seas that enable users and stakeholders to manage water resources in a smart way.

Earth observation has successfully entered the field of water quality monitoring. However, the operational use of satellite imagery for monitoring water quality of inland and coastal waters is often limited (suitable sensors, accurate quantification, near surface, remotely measurable optical constituents, weather conditions). The combination of an earth observation approach with in-situ measurements can enormously increase the information content of the images at different scales. In-situ data can be collected in various ways: sampling and analysis, fixed sensors (on static constructions or buoys), mobile sensors (on boats or under water vehicles). Compared to remote sensing, in-situ measurements are limited in spatial coverage, but on the other hand in-situ water quality sensors can address shortcomings of earth observation technologies and add a vertical dimension to the data layer.

The proposed PhD or postdoc study focuses on integration or fusion methods for in-situ and earth observation data in the field of water management in order to assess information with higher added value.

Through data fusion methods, models can integrate a wide range of routine observations from in-situ or remote sensing platforms, allow the use of imperfect or proxy measurements, help fill gaps in time or incomplete coverage, and provide a quantification of errors. An application can be considerably improved by the derivation of high-level information from multiple sources, including recent measurement data from deployed sensor platforms as well as historical data, metadata and other additional information.


The objectives of the PhD or postdoc are to further develop methods or models to fuse data coming from earth observation and mobile surface water sensor platforms. The method should lead to:

- improved use of imperfect or proxy water quality measurements

- fill gaps in incomplete coverage of water quality

- provide quantification of errors

The PhD or postdoc is connected to the ESA SaveWater and IWT Chameleon projects. In the SaveWater project a proof-of-concept for the integration of remote sensing and in-situ measurements has to be delivered. In the Chameleon project new light weight sensors are being developed and tested and will be mounted on static platforms or UAVs.

Nr. Job Positions : 1

Research Fields

Environmental science - Water science
Physics - Statistical physics

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)

Research Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)
Recognised Researcher (R2)


This position will be financed through "traditional" PhD or postdoc channels.

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