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The October edition of WASH-cost e-Update highlights findings from the application of service delivery and life cycle cost approaches is out. Some of the highlights are:

Service delivery approach:

  1. Video proceedings now available from World Bank-USAID review
  2. Water for People’s Everyone Forever approach to water and sanitation
  3. New resource on monitoring and indicators for water services that last
  4. “What if...?” – A video presentation on sustainable services at scale
  5. Join the Triple-S story initiative


Life-cycle cost approach:

  1. Life-cycle costs of rainwater harvesting systems (Occasional Paper 46)
  2. Rural water supply costs and service levels in Andhra Pradesh (Briefing note)
  3. Custo das actividades PEC (Community Participation and Education) -Zonal em Moçambique, (Briefing note in Portuguese)
  4. Análise PEC Zonal em Moçambique. Custos duma nova abordagem (Poster in Portuguese)
  5. Summaries of papers to be presented at Rural Water Supply Network Forum  in Kampala, Uganda


Country stories:

  1. WASHCost data put to use to plan services in Mozambique, WASHCost Mozambique
  2. Cost of sustaining the source- A key element in WASH services, WASHCost India
  3. The well that keeps on giving, WASHCost Mozambique

14.   Triple-S-Ghana launches reports on sustainable rural water supply, Triple-S Ghana

15.   Ghana begins process to define national indicators for sustainability, Triple-S Ghana

16.   Triple-S forges closer working relationship with the private sector in Ghana, Triple-S Ghana

17.   Triple-S dialogues with the media, Triple-S Uganda

  1. The revival of WASH coordination in Lira district, Triple-S Uganda
  2. Half a pump is better than none!, Triple-S Uganda



  1. $25 can’t give someone clean water for life: The real cost of sustainable service, John Sauer & Nick Dickinson
  2. Water and sanitation: priceless but not costless, Stef Smits


Training and events:

  1. 6th Rural Water Supply Network Forum, 29-November 2011 to 1-December 2011, Kampala, Uganda
  2. Introducing the life-cycle cost approach @ RWSN Forum, Friday 2-December 2011
  3. Learning Event for WASH implementers, 31 January, London

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