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Newsletter  September 2013


Looking for PEP  this Rotary Year ?

Wasrag's PEP program collaboration with the Rotary Foundation continues this year. PEP - Program Enhancement Process sends, after request and approval, volunteer teams to selected districts to provide in-depth evaluations and assist with planning of WASH programs. Looking for more information? Check-out the recently updated frequently asked questions posted on Wasrag's website: 

English  Spanish  Portuguese


Oct 15 Global Handwashing Day:  The Power is in Your Hands!

This empowering theme emphasizes that everyone can improve their own health by washing their hands with soap, especially after using the restroom and before touching food. This theme can also be tailored to suit different audiences. For example, teachers, parents, health care professionals and others can improve the health of children and adults in their communities by promoting handwashing with soap at critical times. Likewise, governments, not-for-profit organizations, the private sector, and donors can promote and invest in handwashing programs to improve health on a large scale. For ideas on what YOU can do to promote this important day read more... 


Water Missions International* + Rotary Clubs = Water

When Tim Murphy, past president of the Edina, Minnesota Rotary Club (District 5950), and then District Governor Sandy Schley, were approached by long-time friend and philanthropist Foster Friess to take part in a large-scale water project with Water Missions International, they didn't know that clubs in their district would be providing sustainable safe water to more than 25,000 people. Read More...


Blog Feature: 

5 Reasons Why Just Building Toilets Won't Improve Urban Sanitation 

(from Decade's Weekly, Issue 10, Sept 2013, UN Water)

"It's widely reported that most of the world's population lives in urban areas. UN-Habitat estimates that 40% of urban dwellers live in slums, and that number is growing by more than 20 million people per year. Perhaps, less commonly reported is that while population is growing rapidly, urban sanitation coverage has only increased slightly. " Read More...

By Peter Hawkins on the World's Bank Water Blog.


Great Sanitation Infographic

The World Bank recently published a great infographic about sanitation entitled "What's a Toilet Worth?". Did you know that the total global cost of inadequate sanitation is estimated at $260 Billion every year? These costs capture premature death, health care costs, productivity losses, and time lost finding a private place to defecate.

Globally improved sanitation has rate of return of 5x for each dollar invested and provides other benefits like increased tourism, safety, land value, water quality, and dignity. Now there is a great investment!



You Are Invited... October 23, Rotary District 2490

This is the 3rd Rotary Israel Water and Sanitation Symposium (in the framework of WATEC Israel), and will be held on October 24th at the Israel Trade Fairs and Convention Center in Tel Aviv, Pavillion 10, Hall A4. 

The symposium will focus on "Sustainable Water and Sanitation in the Developing World"

For WATEC information see:  For more details about the Symposium go to  or email Michael Pascal.


New Projects...
We love hearing about your projects are are delighted to relay these great opportunities for Rotarians to get involved in WASH projects! When posting your projects on the Wasrag website, please remember to include the name of your Rotary club and District number. Contact us at if you need help with your posting.

Wasrag needs your membership. Membership revenue helps cover our administrative costs, website upgrades, training, development of support materials etc. To check whether your membership has expired, email Anna. To become a member,  simply click on the button.

 Interested in Upcoming Events?
Click here to see the Calendar. To submit items for the calendar, please email info(at)

To submit stories and pictures for our newsletter, please email marcom(at)

*The Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (Wasrag) is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. Wasrag can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs.


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