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Estimados amigos,

Desde la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT, os informamos sobre la siguiente convocatoria que esperamos que sea de vuestro interés.



Dear friend,

We are sending this apply for a MSC fellowship, we wish this information is interesting for you:

Apply for a Marie Sktodowska-Curie Felloship @ APC

The APC and its Principal Investigators wish to develop high-quality research proposals with postdoctoral researchers within and outside of Europe in a number of key thematic areas.

If you are interested in pursuing a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowship application with the APC please submit a query or Expression of Interest* by email to

The Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre (APC), a flagship research Centre based at University College Cork and involving researchers based in Teagasc, Cork University Hospital and Cork Institute of Technology, is seeking to develop collaborative funding proposals with experienced postdoctoral researchers for submission under theMarie Sktodowska-Curie Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (IF) programme.

The IF scheme particularly supports the return and reintegration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked in Europe. It also develops or helps to restart the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience. An application must be developed jointly by the researcher and supervisor.

IFs take the form of European Fellowships and Global Fellowships.

1. European Fellowships involve a single host organisation (future beneficiary) established in an EU Member State or Associated Country. The project proposal is submitted by the host organisation; the proposal is developed by the researcher together with the supervisor. For European Fellowships the applicants can submit their proposals as a Standard Fellowship to one of the 8 main evaluation panels or to one of the 2 multidisciplinary panels: Career Restart Panel (CAR) and Reintegration Panel (RI). The CAR panel provides financial support to individual researchers who want to resume research in Europe after a career break, while the RI panel is dedicated to researchers who want to return to Europe to reintegrate in a longer term research position.

2. Global Fellowships are composed of an outgoing phase during which the researcher spends 1 to 2 years on secondment to a partner organisation in a Third Country, plus a mandatory 12-month return period to a host organisation (the beneficiary) located in a Member State or Associated Country.

For more information click here.

* In the Expression of Interest please attach your CV and briefly describe the area of research in which you are interested in pursuing an IF application. 


Muchas gracias y saludos cordiales.


Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología

C/ Pedro Teixeira, 8 (planta 2) - 28020 Madrid

Tfno: 91 425 09 09 - Fax: 91 571 21 72

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