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The IDB with its partners launch the Inventory of Water and Adaptation Actions in the Americas (WaterAAA) as part of the Regional Policy Dialogue on Water and Climate Change

By affecting the quantity and quality of water, climate change represents a new and complex challenge for sustainable water resources management. Water resources are of strategic importance for many economic sectors, such as food production, power generation and water supply, which in many regions are already competing for increasingly variable water resources. What measures are being taken by local and national governments, civil society organizations, private companies, research institutes and intergovernmental organizations, in order to adapt to these changing conditions in the water cycle? What innovations are needed to ensure there is enough water for economic growth, so as to ensure social well being, without compromising environmental conditions for today’s and tomorrow’s populations?

As part of the Regional Policy Dialogue on water and climate change, the Water and Sanitation Network of the IDB with its partners has launched the WaterAAA to share information on what actions are being undertaken throughout the Americas, as well as the lessons learned through this process. If you are involved in a water-based climate change adaptation activity in the region, please fill in the following questionnaire to let us know about it. If you’re interested in finding out more about the actions being undertaken in the Americas, have a look through the database. These actions will be used to feed the debate in the Regional Policy Dialogue, including subsequent versions of the Regional Policy Paper.

Find here the results of this inventory.


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