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[Refer to the attached documentation for more info]


The National Research Foundation (NRF) as IIASA’s National Member Organisation (NMO), in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), is pleased to announce the second joint Call for Supervisors in continuing the Southern African Young Scientists Summer Programme (SA-YSSP). The Programme was launched by the former Minister of Science and Technology in November 2011. The SA-YSSP is an annual three-month education, academic training, and research capacity-building programme jointly organised by the NRF, DST, and IIASA. The University of the Free State successfully hosted the inaugural SA-YSSP during 2012-13, and will again host the second SA-YSSP during 2013-14.


General call modalities

This second Call for Supervisors is meant for accomplished South African researchers working in areas compatible with IIASA’s and DST’s strategic research areas to serve as supervisors for the 2nd SA-YSSP scheduled for 24 November 2013 to 22 February 2014. This call is aimed at all working researchers residing in South Africa and affiliated with a recognised publicly funded higher education or research institution such as a university, university of technology, national facility, or science council. Responses must indicate at least one IIASA research scientist with whom prior contact has been established.


The general modalities of this call are as follows:

•          The applicant must be in possession of a PhD.

•          The applicant must reside in South Africa and work at a recognised publicly funded university or research institution. Commercial institutions and private education institutions are NOT eligible to apply under this programme.

•          The applicant has identified a research area, and ideally a potential research partner, at IIASA that is compatible with and/or complementary to his or her own research agenda and expertise.

•          It is recommended that each potential team of senior supervisors indicate at least one postdoctoral fellow who could serve as assistant supervisor and stay in Bloemfontein for sufficient time during the SA-YSSP’s core period.

•          Applications will be received by the NRF and screened by the SA-YSSP Steering Committee consisting of representatives of NRF, DST, UFS, and IIASA.

•          South African supervisor selected for the SA-YSSP will be required to sign a mandatory clause to ensure that adequate supervision is given to SA-YSSP doctoral students. NRF will enter into a contractual agreement with the selected, successful SA-YSSP supervisors.



The closing date for complete submissions is Monday, 24 June 2013


For further information, please contact:

Ms Puleng Tshitlho                                                                                  Mr Siyabonga Kohli

International Research Grants                                                                Science and Technology Agreements Fund

National Research Foundation                                                                National Research Foundation

Tel: +27 (0)12 481 4061                                                                         Tel: +27 (0)12 481 4356

E-mail:                                                           E-mail:


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