Call for abstracts
Abstract submission deadline: 30 November 2016
The River Basin Adaptation Conference aims to share experiences and identify best-practices on science-society interactions for river basin management and climate change adaptation. We invite abstract submissions for short (5-10 minutes), targeted oral presentations during the River Basin Adaptation conference. All abstract submissions should link to one of the conferencethemes. Abstract can be submitted to any of the following sessions:
- Best Practices for designing adaptive management strategies
- Policy Considerations for participatory river basin management
We welcome abstracts from policy makers, representatives of public administrations, environmental NGOs, scientists and other professionals working in the field of river basin management and climate change adaptation. We encourage abstracts to show how their experience can be useful to others, e.g. through identifying lessons learned, providing recommendations on best practice and considering whether the approach could be transferred to other regions or different contexts.
Submit your abstract
Please note:
- An abstract may only be submitted once.
- A copy of the presentation may be published online after the conference.
- Submitted abstracts may be published in print and online after the conference.
- The lead presenter must submit the abstract. The lead presenter will be responsible for corresponding with the organisers and co-authors.
- All abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Abstract length: 1700 characters (including spaces), approx. 250 words
Important dates:
- Opening of call for abstracts: 15 October 2016
- Deadline for abstract submission: 30 November 2016
- Notification of acceptance: 31 December 2016
- Deadline for registration for presenters: 31 January 2017