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WSSCC Call for Expressions of Interest: Global Sanitation Fund “Executing Agent” and “Country Programme Monitor” in Burkina Faso

Deadline for Submission of Expressions of Interest: 27 April 2010

The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) established the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) in 2008 to provide grant support to scale up successful sanitation and hygiene approaches targeting poor people in countries with the greatest sanitation and hygiene needs.

WSSCC is now soliciting Expressions of Interest from qualified firms/consultants for in-country components of the Global Sanitation Fund in one of these countries, Burkina Faso. The components are the “Executing Agency” and the “Country Programme Monitor”.

The Executing Agency receives the Global Sanitation Fund grant monies from WSSCC and manages the funded programme of work in country. It selects and enters into agreement with Sub-Grantees who directly implement programme activities on the ground.

Country Programme Monitors verify programme implementation and report to WSSCC.

The WSSCC Secretariat is hosted by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The procurement process and contractual conditions will be in accordance with UNOPS rules and procedures.

Click here to access the full details of the Call for Expression of Interest to be the Executing Agency:

Click here to access the full details of the Call for Expression of Interest to be the Country Programme Monitor:

For more information about the Global Sanitation Fund at WSSCC, click here:



David Trouba

Programme Officer, Communications

Water Supply &  Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)

15, chemin Louis-Dunant

1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 560 81 78

Fax: +41 22 560 81 84



WSSCC works to achieve sustainable sanitation, hygiene and water supply for all people.

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