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Workshop n. 1: Stakeholder analysis towards capacity building

Building the network

·        The Western African Network: priorities, topic and network working functioning

·        Research Management training for trainers

·        Managing online Working Group in the AquaKnow platform

Scientific activities

·        Data sharing on climate variability and the L-moments, case study from Latin America and training, training and planning the activities:

o   Identifying the needed data

o   Establish a work plan for Workshop n.3

·        The stakeholders analysis “ Requirements in higher education and practitioners trainings in the water sector”:

o   The results of the national surveys in:

§  Sengal

§  Burkina Faso

§  Nigeria

§  Ghana

o   The results of the regional Analysis

The next phase:

Planning and defining the work for Workshop n. 2

Partners and stakeholders to be invited:




- Southern African Centres of Excellence

-Active donors in the sector and in the country

-other stakehoders

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