Join us for an introduction to WASHTech’s tools and a launch of the online resource base
Wednesday 11 December, 12.30-13.30 pm CET
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This webinar introduces two new tools that will help to select water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) technologies that keep working. The first, the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF), has been extensively tested and is now available on A second, complementary tool, the Technology Introduction Process (TIP) provides guidance on the roles and activities needed for successful scaling up of technologies.
The TAF manual, questionnaires, Technology Introduction Process guidelines and other key publications are provided as public domain and can be accessed through This resource base also provides a platform for sharing experiences on the application of the TAF after completion of the WASHTech project in December 2013.
-- Evolution of key tools- the Technology Applicability Framework and the Technology Introduction Process- feedback and uptake so far (inputs from the WASHTech country coordinators in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Uganda)
-- Q&A
-- Introduction to WASHTech’s online resource base highlighting tools, publications, the forum, videos and tutorials
-- Join the online community and apply the TAF and TIP. What you can do with these tools and publications?
The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Technologies (WASHTech) project (2011-2013) is co-funded under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission’s Africa Research Programme.
The WASHTech Consortium consists of the following organisations: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, WaterAid UK, WaterAid Uganda, WaterAid Ghana, WaterAid Burkina Faso, TREND, KNUST, WSA, Cranfield University, NETWAS Uganda and Skat Foundation.
New WASHTech video
The new WASHTech video explains failure of many technology introduction processes and how the Technology Applicability Framework (TAF) can help. Check it out
WEBMINAR: WASHTech’s tools
Event date