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The WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposia have been held annually in the Eastern and Southern African regions for the past twelve years. The series of Symposia have helped to forge a regional family of water professionals concerned with the wise use of water and has become the key annual event in water research in east and southern Africa. To date, 12 Symposia have been organised attracting on average 400 water sector professionals.

The 13th symposium will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 31 October – 2 November 2012. The 13th Symposium is a platform for water professionals to share advances in research and education related to Integrated Water Resources Management. It is the place to discuss new opportunities and developments towards the integrated management of our scarce fresh water resources. It is also the place where we should attempt to cross boundaries: look over disciplinary fences and think across national borders.

The University of Johannesburg, Department of Chemical Technology is the lead host of the 13th Symposium.


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