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The African Doctoral Academy (ADA) serves to coordinate and strengthen excellence in doctoral education and higher education and research at Stellenbosch University (SU) and across the African continent. The ADA’s bi-annual, two week long Doctoral Schools take place every year in Summer and Winter and aim to offer high impact research and methodology training. Delegates attend these Schools from all over South Africa and Africa with topics ranging from generic preparatory steps and concepts, introductory and advanced research designs and methods including analytical techniques and practical applications (using SPSS, R and ATLAS.ti), to preparing for a research career, publishing articles and training in doctoral supervision. Each week offers a number of workshops taking place concurrently and offers an intense and concentrated  training opportunity by experts in their fields.  Read some testimonials from our delegates that have attended these Doctoral Schools in the past. Since 2016 the ADA has presented Joint Doctoral Schools at Makerere University (Uganda), the Univeristy of Malawi, the University of Namibia, as well as the University of Ghana with funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

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