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IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in partnership with The Ministry of Water and Energy of the Government of Ethiopia and Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA)


A global symposium on monitoring sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene [WASH] service delivery.


Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 April 2013.


Hilton Addis Ababa Hotel, Ethiopia.


200 to maximum 300 attendees: practitioners, policy makers, researchers and other experts - from the public and private WASH sectors, and from Development Partners and universities - who are interested in improving monitoring for sustainable WASH services and who desire to meet and discuss with colleagues.


Because everyone in the WASH sector realises that effective monitoring is the back bone for sustainable WASH service delivery.


·         Participating in plenary and thematic topic sessions;

·         Presenting your experiences and knowledge through papers, exhibitions, photo essays or video;

·         Discussing with colleagues from a range of countries and organisations; and

·         Learning and being inspired

Monitoring is in the spotlight—and rightfully so! Monitoring is crucial for sustaining WASH services and protecting infrastructure investments. Monitoring is needed at different levels, by different stakeholders, for different purposes and with different means. The international symposium from 9 - 11 April 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia will offer a platform for presenting experiences, knowledge, models, and lessons learned on the various themes of monitoring for sustainable WASH services. 

Fur further information and to participate ti the event please visit


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