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The Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP) is organizing its VI Environmental and Resource Economics Training Course, titled “Water and Climate Change” which will be carried out at CATIE’s headquarters in Turrialba, Costa Rica from July 23 to August 3, 2012.
The course will examine the economics of climate change impacts and adaption with respect to a variety of water resources planning and policy issues, including the following:
1. Water resources infrastructure investment decisions;
2. Flood control and sea level rise;
3. Water and health;
4. Water use in agriculture and the role of irrigation;
5. Municipal water pricing and demand management;
6. Instream flows and ecosystems services.
The course is aimed at junior researchers who are citizens of any country in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Applicants should have a thorough technical knowledge and command of English.
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