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Water contributes to the green economy. It is important for people and for the planet. Building on the results and conclusions of the Official Side Event at the 2nd UNCSD Preparatory Committee (Prepcom 2) "How the Green Economy depends on water", organized by UN-Water and UNSGAB, where a call was made to develop a UN Green Economy Road Map (A/CONF.216/PC/8) and a toolbox or a best practices guide of actions for transforming into a green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, the Conference will support the process of moving to action in preparation for Rio+20.

The cases presented in the conference will focus on the use of specific 'tools for change' to help move towards a green growth model. They will demonstrate how investments and appropriate financing models for sanitation, drinking water services, and water resources management can support poverty reduction and growth; how investing and adopting fiscal policies for protecting the environment ensures the provision of ecosystem services that are necessary for economic development and for a more resilient economy; how to generate change through improvements in technology; what types of labour policies and reforms are necessary and what job opportunities exist within an economic model with more efficient household consumption patterns and sustainable production practices from economic sectors.

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