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Consultation DEADLINE  : 31st July 2010

The GMES and Africa Action Plan is the result of a commitment assumed in December 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal, by African and European stakeholders, to work along the Lisbon Process* for paving the way to the long term coordination of collaborative Earth Observation activities in the African continent. It is part of the objectives of the Africa-UE Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space.

The drafting of this document has brought together 22 African and European experts in 8 thematic areas and 3 cross-cutting domains for more than one year of work. They have taken it to the present stage, at which all other experts’ views and contributions all over both continents is being sought , so that the GMES and Africa Action Plan can be consolidated into a comprehensive and complete basis for continued and future collaborative initiatives that Africa and Europe undertake together in the Earth Observation field.

With your contribution and after this consolidation, the GMES and Africa Action Plan shall be submitted for adoption at the III Africa-EU Summit, in Libya, after which implementation of GMES services and related Earth Observation activities in Africa will contribute to boost sustainable development throughout the continent.



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