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Free Webminar:Broadening the Horizon of Sanitation Monitoring : Operationalising the Sanitation Ladder in Post-2015

Mar 24, 2015
Event date

you are invited to attend on Thursday, March 26 at 15:00-15:45 CET, the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) hosted webinar on the topic of “Broadening the Horizon of Sanitation Monitoring: Operationalising the Sanitation Ladder in Post-2015”. Registration (free of charge) for the webinar will take place here:

This webinar is a follow-up to “The Sanitation Ladder: Next Steps”, the first thematic discussion in SuSanA’s new Thematic Discussion Series. This 3-week thematic discussion (from Feb 9-27) had lively discussions on the development of the sanitation ladder and a functions-based ladder, the post-2015 agenda and monitoring challenges, and the way forward.  A synthesis of the discussion can be found here.

The 45-minute webinar will feature a short summary of the thematic discussion, then two leading questions will be provided for discussion, with input from the Thematic Leads Elisabeth Kvarnström and Ricard Gine, and the floor will then also be opened to input and questions from those in attendance.

For any questions, please post on the discussion forum or contact