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This event is organized in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the African Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centers of Excellence implemented by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC).
This workshop will encounter the joint contribution of the Western and of the Southern NEPAD Networks of Centers of Excellence in Water Science and Technology.
In this final workshop the following themes will be addressed:
  • The NEPAD Western and Southern Africa Water Centres of Excellence
  • final project reports
  • The stakeholders analysis study in the water sector towards capacity development
  • Joint training courses designed by the Water Centres of Excellence
  • Knowledge Management for the Water sector
  • Regional data sharing for climate variability impact on water resources Availability in Western Africa 
  • Institutional relationships
  • New project proposals and other collaborations


The workshop will be held in Dakar, Senegal.

Update: link to the presentations 

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