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Waterwise  conducts an annual conference on water efficiency. This year’s conference will be held in Oxford on the 21st and 22nd of March, coinciding with the World Water Day. The theme of the conference this year is ‘Engaging water users’. The conference has a great line up of speakers and penetrating panel discussions.

Speakers and presenters:

Richard Benyon - Water Minister

Sir John Beddington - Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government

Alan Alexander - Chair, Waterwise

Marian Spain - Ofwat, Policy and Communications (TBC)

Pamela Taylor - CEO, Water UK 

Alison Maydom - Water Efficiency, Defra

Donna McKitterick - Head of Strategy and Development, Global Action Plan

Tony McHardy - Business Stream, General Manager, Sales and Marketing

Aaron Burton - Environment Agency Wales, Water Resources Advisor

Philip Sellwood - Energy Saving Trust, CEO

Nick Gant - Community 21, Founder

Karen Gibbs - Consumer Council for Water, Policy Manager

Ian Barker - Environment Agency, Head of Water

The conference promises to be exciting and informative. It also includes a water efficiency expo, where product manufacturers, water companies and other organisations developing and promoting water efficient products and services will gather. More information is available here

Mr. Jacob Tompkins, the Managing Director of Waterwise, who was invited to the emergency drought summit mentioned earlier, said that the situation in the UK looked fairly bad with very low groundwater in the South and East and very little prospect of substantial rain for the rest of the recharge period. The real worry was that if this were to continue into 2013, it could be the worst drought in the UK since 1976. The question looming large is whether this is merely a drought that will pass or a manifestation of the changing climate[12]. In either case, it has never been more critical to make every drop count.

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